Where It All Began

In 1989, Jenny opened her first Computer Retail Outlet in Gore.

Livestock Brokering Software:

In 1989, Jenny opened her first Computer Retail Outlet in Gore. At the same time, she designed and wrote the first NZ made Livestock Brokering software for Independent Stock Agents and she supported and serviced all the users in and around Southland to Canterbury. In 1999, with the professional expertise of John Baird of SSi Ltd, Christchurch, the new age of Livestock Office was launched - a totally integrated sales, purchase and cashbook / General Ledger system. Livestock Office continues to keep ahead of an ever changing market.

Shearing & Contractors Software:

Jenny had been involved in the Shearing industry since 1985, and helped with the computerised scoring at all South Island and many North Island shearing competitions for 16 years. With Khan Software Ltd, the DOS version of Shearing Payroll, Debtors, Stock and Cashbook was marketed in the early 1990’s. The update to Windows version saw many new users. The software was re-written in 2011 to create a sustainable user-friendly payroll / accounting package called Paybiz. This was designed to encompass not only the Shearing Industry but all Rural Contractors.

Farm Auctions & Helmsman:

In association with Adpronto Systems, in 1989, Jenny developed computer software for farm Auctions, both livestock and plant. Then in 1995 Shebiz re-pioneered the Helmsman selling system with software for "silent" auctions of Stud Stock. This is available as a module for Livestock Office Clearing Sales.

Shebiz Office Bureau - Remote Office Services:

In 2003, a Bureau was established in Cromwell to provide working Shearing Contractors a time saving facility to produce their Payslips, Invoices and keep their Cashbook and IRD payments up to date.

Since then, the Office Service encompasses all businesses and their office administration needs.

Pics from the Past: