The Clearing Sale module offers an on-site platform for completing a sale with or without internet service.
All Lots can be entered prior to the sale or on the go.
Ability to enter casual buyers that do not add to your client database.
Purchase confirmation dockets can be issued as buyers collect their purchases.
Or Receipts generated when buyers pay for their puchases.
Sale can be invoiced upon completion and all totals reported immediately.
The Clearing Sale feature allows your office to be at the sale - all sale transactions and client activity can be completed immediately, on-site.
All reports are quickly available at the touch of a button at any time as the sale progresses.
Print Auction Sheets (long sheets with or without bar codes)
Print Sale Catalogue
View or print the lots - sold and unsold, unsold by Vendor, Vendor sales, Buyer purchases, Payments received and so on
Print the 'Charge To' totals
Complete Sale results available at Sale end
All sale details are instantly available on the office server or use the export function for offline sales where there is no internet service
Save Time - Greater Accuracy
No more duplicating the sale back in the office and trying to decipher all the paperwork. The Clearing Sale module offers a flexible, quick entry platform for on and offline locations.
With so many time saving features it makes these busy sales a breeze
- Buyer and Lot Nos. have a barcode option
- Quick Find Buyer No. look up
- Set reserves and print on Auction Sheet
- Flexible Agent commission allocations
- GST inclusive or exclusive Sale setting
- Register Buyers, accept payment and receipt their purchases throughout the sale - no cut off
- Plus so much more...